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Redis Destination

This code sample demonstrates how to consume data from a Kafka topic and persist the data to a Redis database using the Redis Python client.

This sample will write JSON data to Redis. We assume that the incoming data will have a key field, this will be combined with the redis_key_prefix environment variable to create the Redis key where data will be stored.

Note that you need Redis Stack to use this code sample.

How to run

Create a Quix account or log in and visit the Code Samples to use this project.

Clicking Deploy on the Sample, deploys a pre-built container in Quix. Complete the environment variables to configure the container.

Clicking Edit code on the Sample, forks the project to your own Git repo so you can customize it before deploying.

Environment Variables

The code sample uses the following environment variables:

  • input: This is the input topic (Default: input, Required: True)
  • redis_host: Host address for the Redis instance (Required: True)
  • redis_host: Host address for the Redis instance (Required: True)
  • redis_port: Port for the Redis instance (Default: 6379, Required: True)
  • redis_password: Password for the Redis instance (Default: None, Required: False)
  • redis_username: Username for the Redis instance (Default: None, Required: False)
  • redis_key_prefix: The prefix for the key to store data under.

Requirements / Prerequisites

You will need to have a Redis Stack database. Either you can use the Redis Cloud or you can install Redis locally. You can find the instructions to install Redis locally.


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Open Source

This project is open source under the Apache 2.0 license and available in our GitHub repo. Please star us and mention us on social to show your appreciation.