Quix Variables
These environment variables are automatically injected by the Quix platform into your deployment's runtime environment. Use them to access deployment, application, and environment-specific metadata in your project code.
Variable | Description |
Quix__Workspace__Id |
The id of the environment the deployment is running in. |
Quix__Environment |
The name of the environment the deployment is running in. |
Quix__Organisation__Id |
The id of the organisation the deployment is running in. |
Quix__Deployment__Limits__Replica |
The number of replicas the deployment is set to have. |
Quix__Deployment__Limits__Memory |
The amount of maximum memory a single replica of the deployment may use (in MB). |
Quix__Deployment__Limits__Cpu |
The amount of maximum cpu a single replica of the deployment may use (in Millicores). |
Quix__Deployment__State__Enabled |
Whether a storage for state is attached to the deployment. Used by the Quix streaming client when using state functionality. |
Quix__Deployment__State__Size |
State size limit (in GB). |
Quix__Deployment__State__Type |
State storage type (Local / Shared). |
Quix__Deployment__Network__PublicUrl |
The public URL of the deployment when public access is enabled. |
Quix__Deployment__Id |
The unique Id of the deployment. Same for all replicas. |
Quix__Deployment__Type |
Type of Deployment (Job / Service). |
Quix__Deployment__Name |
The display name of the deployment. |
Quix__Deployment__ReplicaName |
Replica name of the deployment. |
Quix__Application__Id |
The application Id the deployment is built from. |
Quix__Application__Name |
The application name the deployment is built from. |
Quix__Application__Git__CommitRef |
The application's git commit reference the deployment is built from. |
Quix__Application__Git__Ref |
The application's git reference (such as a tag) the deployment is built from. |
Quix__Build__Id |
The build Id of the deployment. Multiple deployments will have the same build id if referencing the same commit of a application. |
Quix__Portal__Api |
The portal API endpoint, which depends on the environment. |
Quix__Sdk__Token |
SDK Token 1, as described here. |
Note: State-related variables are only present when state is enabled. Similarly,
is only present when public access is enabled.