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What is Branching?

When a StreamingDataFrame (SDF) diverges from a single point into two or more independent processing points, we call this branching.

Simple Graph Representation

Assume we have a StreamingDataFrame, sdf where each letter X is some operation added to it like sdf = sdf.apply().

Before branching, only this was possible:

└── apply()
    └── apply()
        └── apply()
            └── apply()

But with branching, you could do something like:

└── apply()
    └── apply()
        ├── apply()
        │   └── apply()
        └── filter() - (does following operations only to this filtered subset)
            ├── apply()
            ├── apply()
            └── apply()

Branching Use Cases

The benefits of branching are fairly apparent, but these are perhaps the most important aspects:

Multiple Topic Output

Often, different topics will have different data structures or schemas, which necessitates transforming your data before producing to it.

Without branching, it's impossible to handle two or more schemas at once.

Conditional Operations

While some conditional operations are still achievable within an .apply() function, now SDF's more natively support it, enabling other SDF operations to be more readily used.

This is especially true for producing to different topics based on different conditions.

Consolidating Applications

While branching does have some overhead (see data cloning), it may enable what once required multiple applications to be consolidated into one, which is likely to outweigh the cost in many situations.

Consolidating may be useful where many similar transformations are repeated in various Applications, or the context of them overlaps significantly.

Branching Fundamentals

Generating Branches

Branches are added almost almost exactly like their linear counterparts (which is basically like a branch count of 1).

The main difference is how variable assignments are managed.

In short, branches are generated by:

  1. adding a new set of operation(s) to an SDF instance that you wish to branch from.

  2. the addition should be stored as a new variable, using a single, independent assignment step.

    • Each occurrence of this generates a new branch off the SDF instance referenced.

For example (below), sdf_0 ends up with two branches by adding new operations to it in two independent steps, stored separately as sdf_1 and sdf_2 (which themselves could then be added to or branched).

sdf_0 = app.dataframe().apply(func_a)
sdf_0 = sdf_0.apply(func_b)  # sdf_0 -> sdf_0: NOT a (new) branch (adds operation)
sdf_1 = sdf_0.apply(func_c)  # sdf_0 -> sdf_1: generates new branch off sdf_0
sdf_2 = sdf_0.apply(func_d)  # sdf_0 -> sdf_2: generates new branch off sdf_0

There is no limit to the number of branches you can generate, and branches themselves can generate other branches.

Branching vs. Chaining

Branching is independent of chaining, where chaining simply combines multiple operations together on a single line like sdf = sdf.apply().filter().print().

Chaining can be used alongside branching; the operations will be collectively treated as a single branch addition.

Branching vs. Multiple Topics (Multi-SDF)

Consuming multiple topics is independent of branching; branches can be used in each of the SDFs from multiple topics, but they cannot interact with one another in any way.

Clarifying Multiple SDFs

SDF's are delineated by the topic they are initialized with; branches just generate additional nodes you can manipulate on them, but they are all still part of the same SDF (from the user perspective).

Branch Leafs and Tracking

Also being introduced alongside branching is automated SDF tracking.

Basically, any SDF generated with Application.dataframe() will be tracked for you, along with any of its branches.

This means automatically detects all SDF (and their branches) and executes them.

Branching Limitations

Most of branching's limitations are around:

Branching Example

In this example, we have purchase events similar to our purchase-filtering tutorial:

In short, customers who have either a Gold, Silver, or Bronze membership are making purchases at this store.

Example Value

kafka_key: "CUSTOMER_ID_123"
kafka_value: {
      "First Name": "Jane",
      "Last Name": "Doe",
      "Email": "",
      "Membership Type": "Gold",
      "Purchases": [
              "Item ID": "abc123",
              "Price": 13.99,
              "Quantity": 12
              "Item ID": "def456",
              "Price": 12.59,
              "Quantity": 2

We want to send coupons to Silver or Gold members whose purchase total exceeds a certain $ amount.

In addition, anyone who spends at least $200 becomes eligible to win a car, or if they instead spend at least $1000, a chance to win $1 million.

Basically, something like:

├── Total >= $200 (prize)
│   ├── Total >= $1000 (cash prize)
│   │   └── produce cash message
│   └── Total < $1000 (car prize)
│       └── produce car message
├── Silver & Total >= $75
│   └── produce coupon message
└── Gold & Total >= $50
    └── produce coupon message

Example Code

from quixstreams import Application

SALES_TAX = 1.10

def get_purchase_totals(items):
    return sum([i["Price"] * i["Quantity"] for i in items])

def message_stub(value):
    return (f'Congratulations {value["First Name"]} {value["Last Name"]} your recent '
            f'purchase totaling {value["Total"]} was enough to earn you')

def coupon(value):
    return f"{message_stub(value)} a coupon!"

def car_prize(value):
    return f"{message_stub(value)} a chance to win a car!"

def cash_prize(value):
    return f"f{message_stub(value)} a chance to win $1 million!"

app = Application("localhost:9092")
customer_purchases = app.topic("customer_purchases", value_deserializer="json")

silver_topic = app.topic("silver_coupon", value_serializer="str")
gold_topic = app.topic("gold_coupon", value_serializer="str")
car_topic = app.topic("car_prize", value_serializer="str")
cash_topic = app.topic("cash_prize", value_serializer="str")

purchases = app.dataframe(customer_purchases)
purchases["Total"] = purchases["Purchases"].apply(get_purchase_totals) * SALES_TAX
purchases.drop(["Email", "Purchases"])

prizes = purchases[purchases["Total"] >= 200.00]
car = prizes[prizes["Total"] < 1000.00].apply(car_prize).to_topic(car_topic)
cash = prizes[prizes["Total"] >= 1000.00].apply(cash_prize).to_topic(cash_topic)

silver_coupon = purchases[
    (purchases["Membership Type"] == "Silver") & (purchases["Total"] >= 75.00)

gold_coupon = purchases[
    (purchases["Membership Type"] == "Gold") & (purchases["Total"] >= 50.00)

Example Processing Result

Processing the example value would produce 2 values in the following order:

  1. car_prize topic:
    • "Congratulations Jane Doe, your recent purchase totaling $212.36 was enough to earn you a chance to win a car!"
  2. gold_coupon topic:
    • "Congratulations Jane Doe, your recent purchase totaling $212.36 was enough to earn you a coupon!"

Execution Ordering

Because of the way branches are tracked and interact, ordering can be tricky.

We make a best effort to execute the SDF in the order the operations were added, or essentially from "top to bottom".

That said, if you have behavior that relies on a specific execution ordering, it is recommended to test it and ensure its occurring in the order you expect, as there may be uncaught edge cases.

Ordering Example

from quixstreams import Application

def add(n):
    generates adding functions rather than use lambdas
    def add_n(value):
        return value + n
    return add_n

app = Application("localhost:9092")
input_topic = app.topic("in", value_deserializer="int")
output_topic = app.topic("out", value_serializer="int")

sdf_0 = app.dataframe(input_topic)
sdf_0 = sdf_0.apply(add(10)).apply(add(20))
sdf_1 = sdf_0.apply(add(70)).apply(add(1)).to_topic(output_topic)
sdf_2 = sdf_0.apply(add(102)).to_topic(output_topic)
sdf_0 = sdf_0.apply(add(500)).to_topic(output_topic)

From this, processing the value 0 would produce 3 messages to output_topic in the following order:

101  # sdf_1: (10 + 20 + 70 + 1)
132  # sdf_2: (10 + 20 + 102)
530  # sdf_0: (10 + 20 + 500)

Interpreted another way, the "last" operation added to each branch occurred in this order.

Here is a visual representation (processed top to bottom):

└── 0 (input)
    └── (+ 10 + 20)
        ├── (+ 70 + 1) = 101
        ├── (+ 102   ) = 132
        └── (+ 500   ) = 530

Ordering with expand=True

Using expand=True (like with SDF.apply(f, expand=True)) also produces its results in a specific order: each element of the expand is fully processed before handling the next.

Expand Example Snippet:

Imagine you had the value [0, 1] and sdf that branched like so:

sdf = sdf.apply(lambda x: x, expand=True)  # process list per-element
sdf_a = sdf.apply(add(10)).to_topic(output_topic)
sdf_b = sdf.apply(add(20)).to_topic(output_topic)

The 4 produced messages would occur in the following order:

10  # 0 via sdf_a: 0 + 10
20  # 0 via sdf_b: 0 + 20
11  # 1 via sdf_a: 1 + 10
21  # 1 via sdf_b: 1 + 20
or graphically,

└── [0, 1] INPUT
    └── EXPAND
        ├── 0
        │   ├── + 10 = 10
        │   └── + 20 = 20
        └── 1
            ├── + 10 = 11
            └── + 20 = 21

Using with State

While most state functionality works with branching, there is one situation to be aware of.

Custom State (stateful=True)

Performing SDF operations that use stateful = True is something to be careful with, as stateful operations share the same state between one another.

For example, assume:

  • two branches from the same node: branch_A and branch_B
    • each use .apply(f, stateful = True)
      • the f uses .set()/.get() on key my_key
    • branch_B executes after branch_A

In this situation, branch_B's my_key lookup would be the result of whatever branch_A did since the state is shared through all SDF branches.

Custom state and multi-topic Applications

This "shared" state concern is NOT applicable across the multiple SDF's used for multiple topic consuming, as SDF state is tied to its topic name (among other things).

Branch Interactions

Branches should be treated as independent entities that cannot be "combined" or "interact".

The most common ways this is likely to be attempted is filtering and column assigning.

Since there are still valid manipulations with these approaches (corresponding to non-branching), it may be tricky to identify valid versus invalid usage.

If you don't wish to go into too much detail, just take these into consideration:

  1. Use the same SDF instance as both the source and operation.

    • Valid:

      • filtering:
        • sdf_a = sdf_a[sdf_a.apply(f)]
        • sdf_b = sdf_a[sdf_a.apply(f)] (can branch with filtering!)
      • column assigning:
        • sdf_a['z'] = sdf_a.apply(f)
        • sdf_a['z'] = sdf_a['x'] + sdf_a['y'] + 1
    • Invalid:

      • filtering:
        • sdf_c = sdf_b[sdf_a.apply(f)] (sdf_b != sdf_a)
      • column assigning:
        • sdf_b['z'] = sdf_a.apply(f) (sdf_b != sdf_a)
        • sdf_c['z'] = sdf_a['x'] + sdf_b['y'] (ALL sdf involved must be the SAME)
  2. AVOID intermediate operation referencing.

    • All the same rules apply with branches.
  3. Most common invalid usage should raise exceptions.

    • validate results manually if in question


Branching does have some performance implications.

Data Cloning

Any nodes with branches require cloning the current value at that node N-1 times, where N is number of branches at a given node (though any subsequent clones are much cheaper relative to the first).

Minimizing Performance Loss

Some considerations for mitigating loss in performance due to cloning:

Before (or while) creating a branch:

  1. Reduce the value size (ex: use column projection)

    • Smaller value = lower clone cost
  2. Filter values upfront

    • lower data volume = less data to clone

Cloning Limitations

Data cloning is done using pickle, which does mean that it's possible for the value cloning to fail if the data cannot be serialized with pickle.

Though unlikely, if an exception is encountered, try changing the message value to a different format before the branching occurs.

Advanced Usage

Terminal Branches (no assignment)

Variable assignment is not required to generate branches; skipping assignment generates a terminal branch.

Terminal branches cannot have any further operations added to them, and can alleviate the need for instantiating unreferenced variables.

It may still be beneficial to use assignment as a visual aid for those unfamiliar with how branching works, and it makes no difference in terms of performance.

Rewriting the Example

The original example code above could be re-written using terminal branches:

from quixstreams import Application

SALES_TAX = 1.10

def get_purchase_totals(items):
    return sum([i["Price"] * i["Quantity"] for i in items])

def message_stub(value):
    return (f'Congratulations {value["First Name"]} {value["Last Name"]} your recent '
            f'purchase totaling {value["Total"]} was enough to earn you')

def coupon(value):
    return f"{message_stub(value)} a coupon!"

def car_prize(value):
    return f"{message_stub(value)} a chance to win a car!"

def cash_prize(value):
    return f"f{message_stub(value)} a chance to win $1 million!"

app = Application("localhost:9092")
customer_purchases = app.topic("customer_purchases", value_deserializer="json")

silver_topic = app.topic("silver_coupon", value_serializer="str")
gold_topic = app.topic("gold_coupon", value_serializer="str")
car_topic = app.topic("car_prize", value_serializer="str")
cash_topic = app.topic("cash_prize", value_serializer="str")

purchases = app.dataframe(customer_purchases)
purchases["Total"] = purchases["Purchases"].apply(get_purchase_totals) * SALES_TAX
purchases.drop(["Email", "Purchases"])

prizes = purchases[purchases["Total"] >= 200.00]
# Removed car and cash assignments
prizes[prizes["Total"] < 1000.00].apply(car_prize).to_topic(car_topic)
prizes[prizes["Total"] >= 1000.00].apply(cash_prize).to_topic(cash_topic)

# Removed silver and gold assignments
    (purchases["Membership Type"] == "Silver") & (purchases["Total"] >= 75.00)

    (purchases["Membership Type"] == "Gold") & (purchases["Total"] >= 50.00)

Upcoming Features


Merging allows you to combine or consolidate branches back into a single processing path.

        C ──> D ──> E
       /             \
A ──> B               P ──> Q
       \             /
        K ──> L --->

This feature is on the roadmap.