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Windowed Aggregations

What Are Windows?

In stream processing, windows are used to divide endless streams of events into finite time-based intervals.

With windows, you can calculate such aggregations as:

  • Total of website visitors for every hour
  • The average speed of a vehicle over the last 10 minutes
  • Maximum temperature of a sensor observed over 30 second ranges

Types of Time in Streaming

There are two types of time in streaming systems:

  1. Event time - the time when the event happened.
  2. Processing time - the time when the event is processed by the system

In Quix Streams, windows always use event time.

The event time is obtained from the timestamps of incoming Kafka messages.

A Quix Streams application keeps its own "clock" for each assigned partition.
The state store tracks the maximum observed timestamp across incoming events within each topic partition, and this timestamp is used as a current time in the stream.
What's important, it can never go backward.

When the application gets an event timestamp for the event, it assigns an interval according to the window definition.

Extracting timestamps from messages

By default, Quix Streams uses Kafka message timestamps to determine the time of the event.

But sometimes the time information may be encoded into the message payload or headers.
To use a different timestamp in window aggregations, you need to provide a timestamp extractor to Application.topic().

A timestamp extractor is a callable object accepting these positional arguments:

  • Message value
  • Message headers
  • Kafka message timestamp in milliseconds
  • Kafka timestamp type:
  • "0" - timestamp not available,
  • "1" - "create time" (specified by a producer)
  • "2" - "log-append time" (when the broker received a message)

Timestamp extractor must always return timestamp as an integer in milliseconds.


app = Application(...)

def custom_ts_extractor(
    value: Any,
    headers: Optional[List[Tuple[str, bytes]]],
    timestamp: float,
    timestamp_type: TimestampType,
) -> int:
    Specifying a custom timestamp extractor to use the timestamp from the message payload 
    instead of Kafka timestamp.
    return value["timestamp"]

# Passing the timestamp extractor to the topic.
# The window functions will now use the extracted timestamp instead of the Kafka timestamp.
topic = app.topic("input-topic", timestamp_extractor=custom_ts_extractor)

Timestamps of the aggregation results

Since version 2.6, all windowed aggregations always set timestamps equal to the start of the window.


from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

# Input:
# value={"temperature" : 9999}, key="sensor_1", timestamp=10001

sdf = (
    # Extract the "temperature" column from the dictionary 
    sdf.apply(lambda value: value['temperature'])

    # Define a tumbling window of 10 seconds

    # Calculate the minimum temperature 

    # Emit results for every incoming message
# Output:
# value={
#   'start': 10000, 
#   'end': 20000, 
#   'value': 9999  - minimum temperature
# }, 
# key="sensor_1",
# timestamp=10000 - timestamp equals to the window start timestamp

Message headers of the aggregation results

Currently, windowed aggregations do not store the original headers of the messages.
The results of the windowed aggregations will have headers set to None.

You may set messages headers by using the StreamingDataFrame.set_headers() API, as described in the "Updating Kafka Headers" section.

Tumbling Windows

Tumbling windows slice time into non-overlapping intervals of a fixed size.

For example, a tumbling window of 1 hour will generate the following intervals:

                Tumbling Windows

[00:00, 01:00):     .....
[01:00, 02:00):          .....
[02:00, 03:00):               .....
[03:00, 04:00):                    .....
Note that the start of the interval is inclusive and the end is exclusive.

In tumbling windows, each timestamp can be assigned only to a single interval.
For example, a timestamp 00:33:13 will be assigned to an interval 00:00:00 - 01:00:00 for a tumbling window of 1 hour.


Imagine you receive temperature readings from sensors, and you need to calculate average temperature for each hour, and produce updates for each incoming message. The message key is a sensor ID, so the aggregations will be grouped by each sensor.


(Here the "timestamp" column illustrates Kafka message timestamps)

{"temperature": 65, "timestamp": 100}
{"temperature": 52, "timestamp": 200}
{"temperature": 61, "timestamp": 300}

Expected output:

{"avg_temperature": 65, "window_start": 0, "window_end": 3600000}
{"avg_temperature": 58.5, "window_start": 0, "window_end": 3600000}
{"avg_temperature": 59.333, "window_start": 0, "window_end": 3600000}

Here is how to do it using tumbling windows:

from datetime import timedelta

sdf = (
    # Extract "temperature" value from the message
    sdf.apply(lambda value: value["temperature"])

    # Define a tumbling window of 1 hour
    # You can also pass duration_ms as an integer of milliseconds

    # Specify the "mean" aggregate function

    # Emit updates for each incoming message

    # Unwrap the aggregated result to match the expected output format
        lambda result: {
            "avg_temperature": result["value"],
            "window_start_ms": result["start"],
            "window_end_ms": result["end"],

Hopping Windows

Hopping windows slice time into overlapping intervals of a fixed size and with a fixed step.

For example, a hopping window of 1 hour with a step of 10 minutes will generate the following intervals:

               Hopping Windows

[00:00, 01:00):     .....
[00:10, 01:10):       .....
[00:20, 01:20):         .....
[00:30, 01:30):           .....

Note that the start of the interval is inclusive and the end is exclusive.

In hopping windows, each timestamp can be assigned to multiple intervals, because these intervals overlap.

For example, a timestamp 00:33:13 will match two intervals for a hopping window of 1 hour with a 30 minute step:

  • 00:00:00 - 01:00:00
  • 00:30:00 - 01:30:00


Imagine you receive temperature readings from sensors, and you need to calculate average temperature for each hour with 10 minutes hop, and produce updates for each incoming message. The message key is a sensor ID, so the aggregations will be grouped by each sensor.

(Here the "timestamp" column illustrates Kafka message timestamps)

{"temperature": 65, "timestamp": 50000}
{"temperature": 52, "timestamp": 60000}
{"temperature": 61, "timestamp": 62000}

Expected output:

{"avg_temperature": 65, "window_start": 0, "window_end": 3600000}

{"avg_temperature": 58.5, "window_start": 0, "window_end": 3600000}
{"avg_temperature": 65, "window_start": 60000, "window_end": 4200000}

{"avg_temperature": 59.333, "window_start": 0, "window_end": 3600000}
{"avg_temperature": 56.5, "window_start": 60000, "window_end": 4200000}
from datetime import timedelta

sdf = (
    # Extract "temperature" value from the message
    sdf.apply(lambda value: value["temperature"])

    # Define a hopping window of 1h with 10m step
    # You can also pass duration_ms and step_ms as integers of milliseconds
    .hopping_window(duration_ms=timedelta(hours=1), step_ms=timedelta(minutes=10))

    # Specify the "mean" aggregate function

    # Emit updates for each incoming message

    # Unwrap the aggregated result to match the expected output format
        lambda result: {
            "avg_temperature": result["value"],
            "window_start_ms": result["start"],
            "window_end_ms": result["end"],

Supported Aggregations

Currently, windows support the following aggregation functions:

  • reduce() - to perform custom aggregations using "reducer" and "initializer" functions
  • min() - to get a minimum value within a window
  • max() - to get a maximum value within a window
  • mean() - to get a mean value within a window
  • sum() - to sum values within a window
  • count() - to count the number of values within a window

We will go over each ot them in more detail below.


.reduce() allows you to perform complex aggregations using custom "reducer" and "initializer" functions:

  • The "initializer" function receives the first value for the given window, and it must return an initial state for this window.
    This state will be later passed to the "reducer" function.
    It is called only once for each window.

  • The "reducer" function receives an aggregated state and a current value, and it must combine them and return a new aggregated state.
    This function should contain the actual aggregation logic.
    It will be called for each message coming into the window, except the first one.

With reduce(), you can define a wide range of aggregations, such as:

  • Aggregating over multiple message fields at once
  • Using multiple message fields to create a single aggregate
  • Calculating multiple aggregates for the same value


Assume you receive the temperature data from the sensor, and you need to calculate these aggregates for each 10-minute tumbling window:

  • min temperature
  • max temperature
  • total count of events
  • average temperature

Here is how you can do that with reduce():

from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

def initializer(value: dict) -> dict:
    Initialize the state for aggregation when a new window starts.

    It will prime the aggregation when the first record arrives 
    in the window.
    return {
        'min_temp': value['temperature'],
        'max_temp': value['temperature'],
        'total_events': 1,
        '_sum_temp': value['temperature'],
        'avg_temp': value['temperature']

def reducer(aggregated: dict, value: dict) -> dict:
    Calculate "min", "max", "total" and "average" over temperature values.

    Reducer always receives two arguments:
    - previously aggregated value (the "aggregated" argument)
    - current value (the "value" argument)
    It combines them into a new aggregated value and returns it.
    This aggregated value will be also returned as a result of the window.
    total_events = aggregated['count'] + 1
    sum_temp = aggregated['_sum_temp'] + value
    avg_temp = sum_temp / total_events
    return {
        'min_temp': min(aggregated['min_temp'], value['temperature']),
        'max_temp': max(aggregated['max_temp'], value['temperature']),
        'total_events': total_events,
        'avg_temp': avg_temp,
        '_sum_temp': sum_temp

sdf = (

    # Define a tumbling window of 10 minutes

    # Create a "reduce" aggregation with "reducer" and "initializer" functions
    .reduce(reducer=reducer, initializer=initializer)

    # Emit results only for closed windows

# Output:
# {
#   'start': <window start>, 
#   'end': <window end>, 
#   'value': {'min_temp': 1, 'max_temp': 999, 'total_events': 999, 'avg_temp': 34.32, '_sum_temp': 9999},
# }


Use .count() to calculate total number of events in the window.


Count all received events over a 10-minute tumbling window.

from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

sdf = (

    # Define a tumbling window of 10 minutes

    # Count events in the window 

    # Emit results only for closed windows
# Output:
# {
#   'start': <window start>, 
#   'end': <window end>, 
#   'value': 9999 - total number of events in the window
# }

Min(), Max(), Mean() and Sum()

Methods .min(), .max(), .mean(), and .sum() provide short API to calculate these aggregates over the streaming windows.

These methods assume that incoming values are numbers.

When they are not, extract the numeric values first using .apply() function.


Imagine you receive the temperature data from the sensor, and you need to calculate only a minimum temperature for each 10-minute tumbling window.

from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

# Input:
# {"temperature" : 9999}

sdf = (
    # Extract the "temperature" column from the dictionary 
    sdf.apply(lambda value: value['temperature'])

    # Define a tumbling window of 10 minutes

    # Calculate the minimum temperature 

    # Emit results only for closed windows
# Output:
# {
#   'start': <window start>, 
#   'end': <window end>, 
#   'value': 9999  - minimum temperature
# }

Transforming the result of a windowed aggregation

Windowed aggregations return aggregated results in the following format/schema:

{"start": <window start ms>, "end": <window end ms>, "value": <aggregated value>}

Since it is rather generic, you may need to transform it into your own schema.
Here is how you can do that:

sdf = (
    # Define a tumbling window of 10 minutes
    # Specify the "count" aggregation function
    # Emit results only for closed windows

# Input format:
# {"start": <window start ms>, "end": <window end ms>, "value": <aggregated value>
sdf = sdf.apply(
    lambda value: {
        "count": value["value"], 
        "window": (value["start"], value["end"]),
# Output format:
# {"count": <aggregated value>, "window": (<window start ms>, <window end ms>)}

Lateness and Out-of-Order Processing

When working with event time, some events may be processed later than they're supposed to.
Such events are called "out-of-order" because they violate the expected order of time in the data stream.


  • A moving vehicle sends telemetry data, and it suddenly enters a zone without network coverage between 10:00 and 10:20
  • At 10:21, the vehicle is back online. It can now send the telemetry for the period of 10:00 - 10:20.
  • The events that happened at 10:00 are processed only at 10:21, i.e. ~20 minutes later.

Processing late events with a "grace period"

To account for late events, windows in Quix Streams employ the concept of a "grace period".

By default, events are dropped (and are not processed) when they arrive after reaching the end of the window.

But you can tell the window to wait for a certain period before closing itself.
To do that, you must specify a grace period.


from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

# Define a 1 hour tumbling window with a grace period of 10 seconds.
# It will inform the application to wait an additional 10 seconds of event time before considering the 
# particular window closed
sdf.tumbling_window(timedelta(hours=1), grace_ms=timedelta(seconds=10))

The appropriate value for a grace period varies depending on the use case.

Emitting results

Quix Streams supports 2 modes of emitting results for time windows:

  • For each processed message in the given time window
  • Only once, after the time window is closed

Emitting updates for each message

To emit results for each processed message in the stream, use the following API:

from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

# Calculate a sum of values over a window of 10 seconds 
# and use .current() to emit results immediately
sdf = sdf.tumbling_window(timedelta(seconds=10)).sum().current()

# Results:
# -> Timestamp=100, value=1 -> emit {"start": 0, "end": 10000, "value": 1} 
# -> Timestamp=101, value=1 -> emit {"start": 0, "end": 10000, "value": 2} 
# -> Timestamp=102, value=1 -> emit {"start": 0, "end": 10000, "value": 3} 

.current() methods instructs the window to return the aggregated result immediately after the message is processed, but the results themselves are not guaranteed to be final for the given interval.

The same window may receive another update in the future, and a new value with the same interval will be emitted.

current() mode can be used to react on changes quickly because the application doesn't need to wait until the window is closed. But you will likely get duplicated values for each window interval.

Emitting after the window is closed

Here is how to emit results only once for each window interval after it's closed:

from datetime import timedelta

sdf = app.dataframe(...)

# Calculate a sum of values over a window of 10 seconds 
# and use .final() to emit results only when the window is complete
sdf = sdf.tumbling_window(timedelta(seconds=10)).sum().final()

# Results:
# -> Timestamp=100, value=1   -> emit nothing (the window is not closed yet) 
# -> Timestamp=101, value=1   -> emit nothing (the window is not closed yet) 
# -> Timestamp=10001, value=1 -> emit {"start": 0, "end": 10000, "value": 2}, because the time has progressed beyond the window end. 

.final() mode makes the window wait until the maximum observed timestamp for the topic partition passes the window end before emitting.

Emitting final results provides unique and complete values per window interval, but it adds some latency. Also, specifying a grace period using grace_ms will increase the latency, because the window now needs to wait for potential out-of-order events.

You can use final() mode when some latency is allowed, but the emitted results must be complete and unique.

NOTE: Windows can be closed only by the records with the same message key. If some message keys appear irregularly in the stream, the latest windows can remain unprocessed until the message with the same key is received.

Implementation Details

Here are some general concepts about how windowed aggregations are implemented in Quix Streams:

  • Only time-based windows are supported.
  • Every window is grouped by the current Kafka message key.
  • Messages with None key will be ignored.
  • The minimal window unit is a millisecond. More fine-grained values (e.g. microseconds) will be rounded towards the closest millisecond number.

Operational Notes

How Windows are Stored in State

Each window in a StreamingDataFrame creates its own state store. This state store will keep the aggregations for each window interval according to the window specification.

The state store name is auto-generated by default using the following window attributes:

  • Window type: "tumbling" or "hopping"
  • Window parameters: duration_ms and step_ms
  • Aggregation function name: "sum", "count", "reduce", etc.

E.g. a store name for sum aggregation over a hopping window of 30 seconds with a 5 second step will be hopping_window_30000_5000_sum.

Updating Window Definitions

Windowed aggregations are stored as aggregates with start and end timestamps for each window interval.

When you change the definition of the window (e.g. its size), the data in the store will most likely become invalid and should not be re-used.

Quix Streams handles some of the situations, like:

  • Updating window type (e.g. from tumbling to hopping)
  • Updating window period or step
  • Updating an aggregation function (except the reduce())

All of the above will change the name of the underlying state store, and the new window definition will use a different one.

But in some cases, these measures are not enough. For example, updating a code used in reduce() will not change the store name, but the data can still become inconsistent.

In this case, you may need to update the consumer_group passed to the Application class. It will re-create all the state stores from scratch.