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Tutorial: Websocket Source (Coinbase API)

This tutorial builds a custom Source connector named CoinbaseSource for ingesting ticker updates with the Coinbase Websocket API for processing them with a StreamingDataFrame.

Specifically, it showcases how to use the Quix Streams connector framework to create and use a customized Source (there are also Sink connectors as well!).

Outline of the Problem

We want to track of various Bitcoin prices for real-time analysis, but we need to get the data into Kafka first.

Our Example

This example showcases:

  1. Extending the Quix Streams Source class to read from the Coinbase Websocket API.
  2. Using the new extension (CoinbaseSource).

Before Getting Started

  1. You will see links scattered throughout this tutorial.

    • Tutorial code links are marked >>> LIKE THIS <<< .
    • All other links provided are completely optional.
    • They are great ways to learn more about various concepts if you need it!
  2. This tutorial uses a Source rather than a Kafka Topic to ingest data.

    • Source connectors enable reading data from a non-Kafka origin (typically to get it into Kafka).
    • This approach circumvents users having to run a producer alongside the Application.
    • A Source is easily replaced with an actual Kafka topic (just pass a Topic instead of a Source).

Creating CoinbaseSource

First Let's take a detailed look at CoinbaseSource in our >>> Coinbase Application <<< to understand what modifications to Source were necessary.

[!NOTE] Check out the custom Source docs for additional details around what can be adjusted.

Setting up

A Source requires defining a .run() method, which should perform a data retrieval and produce loop (using Source.serialize() and Source.produce() methods) within a while Source.running block.

Lets take a look at CoinbaseSource's .run() in detail.

Setting up the API Connection

First, we establish the connection.

ws_conn = connect(self._url)
subscribe_payload = {
    "type": "subscribe",
    "channels": [
        {"name": "ticker", "product_ids": self._product_ids},

Data retrieval loop

Now we set up the data retrieval loop contained within a while self.running block.

This is so a shutdown from the Application level also gracefully exits this loop; the Source essentially stops if the method is ever exited.


Since no other teardown is required for websockets, nothing happens after the while self.running block.

Inside this block, records are retrieved, serialized (to JSON), and produced to an underlying internal topic as close to its raw form as possible (user-level manipulations occur at the Application level using a StreamingDataFrame).


The internal topic can accept other data serializations by overriding Source.default_topic().

Using CoinbaseSource

Now that CoinbaseSource exists, we can ingest raw data from Coinbase.

Of course, each user will have their own desired product ID's and transformations to apply.

Now let's go over the main() portion of our >>> Coinbase Application <<< in detail!

Define the Source

First, set up a CoinBaseSource with our desired product_ids.

Be sure to provide a unique name since it affects the internal topic name.

coinbase_source = CoinbaseSource(

Create an Application

Create a Quix Streams Application, which is our constructor for everything!

We provide it our connection settings, consumer group (ideally unique per Application), and where the consumer group should start from on the (internal) Source topic.


Once you are more familiar with Kafka, we recommend learning more about auto_offset_reset.

Our Application

from quixstreams import Application
app = Application(
    broker_address="localhost:9092",  # your Kafka broker address here

Specify Topics

Application.topic() returns Topic objects which are used by StreamingDataFrame.

Create one for each topic used by your Application.


Any missing topics will be automatically created for you upon running an Application.

Our Topics

We have one output topic, named price_updates:

price_updates_topic = app.topic(name="price_updates")

The StreamingDataFrame (SDF)

Now for the fun part: building our StreamingDataFrame, often shorthanded to "SDF".

SDF allows manipulating the message value in a dataframe-like fashion using various operations.

After initializing with either a Topic or Source, we continue reassigning to the same sdf variable as we add operations.


A few StreamingDataFrame operations are "in-place", like .print().

Our SDF operations

First, we initialize our SDF with our coinbase_source.

Then, our SDF prints each record to the console, and then produces only the price and ticker name to our outgoing topic.

sdf = app.dataframe(source=coinbase_source)
sdf = sdf[['price', 'volume_24h']]

Example record

As an example, a record processed by our StreamingDataframe would print the following:

{ 'value': { 'type': 'ticker',
             'sequence': 754296790,
             'product_id': 'ETH-BTC',
             'price': '0.00005',
             'open_24h': '0.00008',
             'volume_24h': '322206074.45925051',
             'low_24h': '0.00005',
             'high_24h': '0.00041',
             'volume_30d': '3131937035.46099349',
             'best_bid': '0.00001',
             'best_bid_size': '1000000000.00000000',
             'best_ask': '0.00006',
             'best_ask_size': '166668.66666667',
             'side': 'sell',
             'time': '2024-09-19T10:01:26.411029Z',
             'trade_id': 28157206,
             'last_size': '16666.86666667'}}

and then produce the following to topic price_updates:

  'key': 'ETH-BTC', 
  'value': {'price': '0.00005', 'volume_24h': '322206074.45925051'}

Running the Application

Running a Source-based Application requires calling within a if __name__ == "__main__" block.

Our Application Run Block

Our entire Application (and all its spawned objects) resides within a main() function, executed as required:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This main() setup is a personal choice: the only true requirement is being called inside a if __name__ == "__main__" block.

Try it Yourself!

1. Run Kafka

First, have a running Kafka cluster.

To easily run a broker locally with Docker, just run this simple one-liner.

2. Download files

3. Install requirements

In your desired python environment, execute: pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Run the application

In your desired python environment, execute: python

5. Check out the results!

You should see record printouts like the example above.