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Build a pipeline using Quix CLI

In previous sections of the documentation you explored using Quix Streams. You now continue on your command-line journey by installing the Quix CLI, and then using it to connect with Quix Cloud. You create a simple project on the command line, and sync it with your Quix Cloud pipeline view.

Step 1: Install Quix CLI

curl -fsSL | sudo bash

For further details on installation, including instructions for Microsoft Windows, see the install guide.


To update Quix CLI just run quix update to get the latest version of Quix CLI.

Step 2: Sign up to Quix Cloud for free

Sign up here.


If you are prompted to create a project, you can stop at this point, and proceed to the next step in this tutorial. You will come back to complete the project creation wizard at a later step, because you are going to base your Quix project on a Git project you are yet to create.

Step 3: Log in using the CLI

quix login

If you're not logged into Cloud, you'll be prompted to log in.

Step 4: Create a Git repository

Create a Git repo where you can store your files, for example you could use GitHub. Create a repo initialized with a file, so it can be cloned more easily.

Step 5: Clone your Git repo into your local project directory

For example, if your GitHub repo is named cli-app:

git clone <url-to-git>/cli-app
cd cli-app

Step 6: Initialize your project as a Quix project

In your Git project directory, enter:

quix local init

This initializes your Quix project with a quix.yaml file, which describes your Quix project.

Step 7: Create your application locally

Now create a sample application:

quix local app create starter-transformation

This creates a starter transformation for you. You can explore the files created locally for you. The code will look familiar to you if you've tried the previous sections of the documentation.

Step 8: Sync your application

To sync your application, change into the Starter transformation directory and enter:

quix local deploy --push --sync

This updates your quix.yaml project file, and pushes all changes to your Git repository.

Step 9: In Quix Cloud create a project

In this step you create a project in Quix Cloud from your Git repository.

  1. Return to Quix Cloud.
  2. Select Quix advanced configuration to continue creation of your project.
  3. Select your Git provider.
  4. Link the project to your Git repository using the guide provided for your chosen Git provider.
  5. Sync Quix Cloud to your project by clicking the Sync environment button.

Step 10: See your pipeline running

Go to pipeline view, and see your pipeline running, with your Starter transformation.

Pipeline running

Next step