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Add destination

Now add a destination using the CLI:

quix local app create starter-destination

This creates a starter destination for you. Alternatively, you could type quix local app create and then interactively select the starter destination. You saw an example of this when adding the demo data source. You can call the destination destination, or any other name you like.

Review the destination code

Replace the destination code completely with the following new code:

from quixstreams import Application
import os

from dotenv import load_dotenv

# called for every message
def sink(message):
    print("Average speed is: ", message['average-speed'])
    print("Timestamp at end of window is: ", message['time'])    

app = Application()
input_topic = app.topic(os.environ["input"])
sdf = app.dataframe(input_topic)
sdf = sdf.update(sink)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The code just prints out the components of the message individually. You could perform any processing you want here, such as persisting the data, or displaying values on a real-time chart.

Edit requirements.txt

Check the requirements.txt file. Make sure you are using Quix Streams greater than or equal to 2.4.1:


Test your destination code

Start your source and transform if they are not already running locally. Now run your destination code. It outputs messages such as:

Average speed is:  282.27891156462584
Timestamp at end of window is:  1713524910000

Get ready to sync to Cloud

You are now ready to synchronize everything with Quix Cloud, and run your complete pipeline as a set of dockerized services in a cluster managed by Kubernetes, with nothing more than a single command. This is described in the next step.


Before you proceed to the next step, make sure you stop all your local code running.

Next step