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Create a new Stream

Data is typicaly published to a stream within a topic. As a stream is confined to a topic partition, order of delivery is guaranteed for a stream.


This method is optional. You can also create a stream implicitly by sending data to a stream that doesn’t already exist. If a stream does not exist it is created for you.

Using the /streams endpoint

To create a new stream, send a POST request to:


You should replace ${topicName} in the endpoint URL with the name of the topic you wish to create the stream in. For example, if your topic is named "cars", your endpoint URL will be /topics/cars/streams.

Example request

You can create a new Stream with an absolute minimum of effort by passing an empty JSON object in the payload:

curl "https://${domain}${topicName}/streams" \
        -X POST \
        -H "Authorization: bearer ${token}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{}'
const https = require('https');

const data = "{}";

const options = {
    hostname: domain + '',
    path: '/topics/' + topicName + '/streams',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

const req = https.request(options, res => {
    res.on('data', d => {
        let streamId = JSON.parse(d).streamId;


For most real-world cases, you’ll also want to provide some or all of the following:

  • name - the human friendly name of the stream
  • location - the location of the stream's persisted data in the data catalogue (retrieved using Query API)
  • metadata - metadata for the stream (retrieved using Query API, or Data Explorer)
  • parents - the list of stream ids of the parent streams
  • timeOfRecording - the datetime of the stream recording

For example, here’s a more useful payload:

    "name": "cardata",
    "location": "simulations/trials",
    "metadata": {
        "rain": "light"

Example response

The JSON returned is an object with a single property, streamId. This contains the unique identifier of your newly created stream, and resembles the following:

    "streamId": "66fb0a2f-eb70-494e-9df7-c06d275aeb7c"


If you’re following these guides in order, you’ll want to take note of that stream id. For curl examples, it’s convenient to keep it in an environment variable, for example:

$ streamId=66fb0a2f-eb70-494e-9df7-c06d275aeb7c

Using SignalR

var signalR = require("@microsoft/signalr");
const token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
const environmentId = "YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID"
const topic = "YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"

const options = {
    accessTokenFactory: () => token

const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
    .withUrl("https://writer-" + environmentId + "", options)

// Establish connection
connection.start().then(async () => {
    console.log("Connected to Quix.");

    // Note, SignalR uses the same models as the HTTP endpoints, so if in doubt, check HTTP endpoint samples or Swagger for model.
    let streamDetails = {
        "name": "cardata",
        "location": "simulations/trials",
        "metadata": {
            "rain": "light"

    // Send create details
    console.log("Creating stream");
    let createdDetails = await connection.invoke("CreateStream", topic, streamDetails);
    let streamId = createdDetails.streamId
    console.log("Created stream " + streamId);


Also available as JsFiddle at

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Stream metadata