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Quix CLI Reference Guide

This is the reference guide for the Quix CLI.


Read the latest install guide.

You can then update Quix CLI with the command:

quix update


You can authenticate by logging into Quix Cloud with the following command:

quix login

You will be prompted to confirm the authentication code in the device confirmation dialog.

You can also log in using a Personal Access Token (PAT):

quix login <your-pat>


The CLI currently uses some terminology that is different to the current UI. The following table compares CLI and UI terminology:

Repositories Projects
Workspaces Environments

Getting help

Typing just quix results in basic usage information being displayed. You can also receive help by typing quix --help.


For less typing you can use the -h option, rather than the --help option.

To obtain more help on a specific command use the --help option, for example:

quix permissions --help

This displays the subcommands available. There is also help for subcommands:

quix permissions set --help

This displays the options for the set subcommand.

Command aliases

Most commands have an alias. These are indicated in the alias section of the help. For example, quix context -h displays the help for context. This shows the Alias section:

  contexts, context, ctx

Any of the aliases can be used.

Interactive commands

Some commands are interactive, in that once you type them you will be taken into an interactive menu where you can select further information. For example, if you type quix use and hit enter, you are provided with a list of environments, and you can then select the one you want to connect to.


All commands without mandatory arguments are interactive.


The general form of the CLI usage is:

quix command [subcommand] [options]

Listing deployments

To list all your deployments you would use:

quix deployments list

The information returned includes:

  • DeploymentId
  • WorkspaceId
  • Name
  • Memory
  • CPU
  • Replicas
  • Status

Listing applications

To list all your applications (in your default environment):

quix applications list

Listing projects

To list out all your projects:

quix projects list

This lists useful information such as the project ID and the link to the project repository.

Obtaining output in JSON format

You can return your results as JSON, rather than in tabular form. For example, to return a list of topics in an environment in JSON format:

quix topics list your-workspace-id --output json

With some practice, you will find the usage follows a similar pattern for most commands.


The JSON output displays additional information not available in the table view. This is done to make the table view simpler. For full information use the JSON output option.

CLI Context

A context defines which system your CLI connects to - by default this is the Quix production cloud. If you are using BYOC, you need to create and then use a context.

A context has a URL associated with it. For example, the URL associated with the default context is

For example, to create a context byoc, you would use:

quix contexts create byoc

To then use that context you would use:

quix contexts use byoc

To list your available contexts, use the following:

quix contexts list

Selecting an environment

You can select an environment interactively by typing:

quix use

You can use the cursor to navigate the list of environments, to select the one you want to use as the default for your context.

Setting a local broker

A typical setup includes both a remote and local broker. The local broker is used for local development and testing, before the tested applications are pushed up to the project repo, and then synched with Quix Cloud.

To set a local broker:

quix context broker set <broker_address>

You can then toggle between using the remote broker and the local broker with:

quix context broker toggle

Pushing your code to the project repo

You can push your locally modified code to the remote repository by using:

quix local deploy --push

You can optionally provide a commit message. You are also prompted if changes outside of you current application have been made. You can optionally push these changes too.

In order to synchronize the Git repository with the Quix Cloud environment then use:

quix local deploy --push --sync

The --sync option ensures the Git repository is synchronized with the Quix Cloud pipeline view.

Managing permissions

You can manage permissions for a user in a Quix organization using the CLI.


Scope can be one of:

  • Organisation
  • Repository
  • Workspace

Scope is hierarchical. For example, if you assign a user a role at the Organisation level, it will also apply to all repositories and workspaces in that organization. If you assign a user a role at the Repository level, it will also apply to all workspaces in that repository.


Role can be one of:

  • Admin - complete control
  • Manager - complete control except editing users, billing and organisation
  • Editor - same as Manager without permissions of create or delete Repositories and Workspaces
  • Viewer - read only permissions

Roles are assigned to specific users.


Users of Quix have assigned roles and scopes, which can be changed using the CLI.

To get the current user (yourself), you can use:

quix users current

This returns your:

  • User ID
  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Status

To obtain a complete list of users in an organization, use the following command:

quix users list

To narrow down the returned list:

quix users list | grep tony

This returns:

ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640 │ tony@do │ Tony  │ Bedfo │ Activ │ 01/09

This shows the User ID.

Users - permissions

You can also use the CLI to explore permissions.

To get a complete list of users and their permissions:

quix permissions list

You can reduce the list using:

quix permissions list | grep tony

This returns:

ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640 │  │ Organisation │ Admin

You can then explore the user:

quix permissions get ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640

This returns:

Scope                 │ Role   
Organisation:quixdev  │ Admin

The scope and role are clearly displayed.

You can also obtain the raw permissions string, which can ease the process of later setting new permissions. To do this use the --raw option:

quix permissions get ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640 --raw

This returns permissions in the raw format, rather than the tabular format:

[{ Repository:53d7ee3c-7a8c-4ddc-97b2-e3cd2484d7b1, Viewer }, { Workspace:quixdev-test, Viewer }]

Setting permissions

To edit a user's permissions you can use the edit command. For example:

quix permissions edit ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640 --scope Organisation:quixdev --role Admin

You can also remove a permission using quix permissions delete, for example:

quix permissions delete ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640 --scope Workspace:quixdev-test 


Note that a Permission is {Scope, Role}, where Scope can be considered the key. When using delete, Scope is used as the key to identify the permission to be removed.

You can also set permissions for a user using the quix permissions set command. You need to specify the permission assignments using the -p option.

Note the format of the permission assignments generally is:

[{Scope, Role}, {Scope, Role}, ...]

For example:

quix permissions set ebf47187-ed00-4190-bc34-f0054e8b2640 -p "[{ Repository:53d7ee3c-7a8c-4ddc-97b2-e3cd2484d7b1, Viewer }, { Workspace:quixdev-test, Viewer }]"

This sets the following permissions for the specified repository and workspace:

Scope Role
Repository Viewer
Workspace Viewer


Repository IDs can be found by typing quix repositories list.