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Project Groups - Quix Release #3 February 2025

The latest release brings new features, enhancements and bug fixes to Quix.

🌱 New Features 🌱

  • Project Groups: Projects can now be organized into predefined groups set in Organization Settings for consistency. These groups appear in the Organization Overview when you assign a Project to a specific group in Project Settings, making project management clearer and more structured.

  • New "Timestamp" Offset Type in Messages Explorer: We've added a new offset type, "Timestamp", to the messages explorer. This option works similarly to the Custom offset selection but allows users to select messages based on a specific timestamp instead of manually entering an offset.

💎 Enhancements 💎

  • Projects:

    • Improved the tab environments dropdown UI to handle multiple environments without breaking the top bar layout.
  • Deployments:

    • Updated the deployment dialog settings to allow users to modify the ImageURI when editing a deployment.
  • Topics:

    • Added a dropdown next to the topic name in the topic detail page header, allowing users to easily switch between topics.
    • Added support for bulk deletion of topics. This feature is accessible via the three-dot menu, which activates checkboxes for topic selection and updates the top bar with relevant actions.
    • Introduced the new unmanaged property in quix.yaml, ensuring that topics marked as unmanaged are treated as external. This prevents Quix Cloud from creating, modifying, or deleting these topics, enforcing stricter control over externally managed topics.
    • Added the ability to view Headers of messages in the Topic Explorer, providing more visibility into message metadata.
    • Improved Topic Explorer performance by optimizing bound reading to fetch all latest offsets for partitions in a single query.
  • Other:

    • Adjusted the notification position to prevent overlap with call-to-action (CTA) buttons, ensuring better accessibility and visibility.
    • Introduced a new post-deployment wizard for the HTTP API Connector, guiding users to send test messages easily. The wizard includes a message box, example code for multiple languages, and a link to the Swagger interface for API exploration.

🦠 Bug Fixes 🦠

  • Pipeline:

    • Resolved an issue where deployments using SharedFolders were incorrectly marked as outdated in the pipeline view.
    • Fixed an issue where the YAML variables list did not correctly display default values when environment-specific values were null or empty.
    • Resolved an issue where the "Deploy External Image" option was not displayed when no applications were available.
    • Fixed an issue where an undefined topic in the pipeline would cause it to break.
  • Applications:

    • Fixed an issue where paths were not automatically converted to lowercase and spaces were not replaced with hyphens when deploying from a library item.
    • Fixed an issue where duplicating a project with a shared folder did not retain the shared folder reference.
    • Resolved an issue where the Online IDE editor did not refresh the content of the currently selected file after pushing a local commit externally and pressing refresh.
  • Deployments:

    • Resolved inconsistencies in deployment metrics, ensuring consistent CPU and memory reporting across different statuses.
    • Fixed an issue where deployments remained stuck in 'Deploying' status by improving event consistency handling.
    • Fixed an issue where Shared Folders were not correctly resolved during deployments in Quix Cloud, causing build failures when accessing subdirectories.
    • Resolved an issue where public URL links for deployments incorrectly redirected to the root or displayed 'undefined' instead of the expected destination.
  • Topics:

    • Resolved an issue where clicking on the icon of a data tier in the selection dropdown did not properly select the item.

Find Out More

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