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This project gives an example of how to stream data from Quix to a BigQuery database, it handles both parameter and event data.

How to run

Create a Quix account or log-in and visit the Samples to use this project.

Clicking Deploy on the Sample, deploys a pre-built container in Quix. Complete the environment variables to configure the container.

Clicking Edit code on the Sample, forks the project to your own Git repo so you can customize it before deploying.

Environment variables

The code sample uses the following environment variables:

  • input: Name of the input topic to read from.
  • PROJECT_ID: The BigQuery GCP Project ID.
  • DATASET_ID: The target Bigquery dataset ID.
  • DATASET_LOCATION: Location of BigQuery dataset.
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON: The service account json string for the BigQuery GCP project. Tutorial on how to create service account.
  • MAX_QUEUE_SIZE: Max queue size for the sink ingestion.

Known limitations

  • BigQuery fails to immediately recognize new Schema changes such as adding a new field when streaming insert data.
  • BigQuery doesn't allow deleting data when streaming insert data.


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Open source

This project is open source under the Apache 2.0 license and available in our GitHub repo.

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