Serverless stream processing in Python with Upstash Kafka and Quix

Why use Quix with Upstash Kafka?

Quix provides a feature-rich serverless platform that enables you to develop, deploy, and monitor Python stream processing applications. It’s designed to work seamlessly with Upstash Kafka clusters or any Kafka-compatible deployment, be it managed or self-hosted.

Note: Are you affected by the Upstash team’s decision to sunset the serverless Upstash Kafka service? No need to worry. You can seamlessly switch to Quix, which also provides serverless Kafka deployments.

100% Python

No JVM, wrappers, DSL, or cross-language debugging. Quix provides a Python Streaming DataFrame API that treats data streams as continuously updating tables.

Rich processing capabilities

Quix supports stateless and stateful operations, aggregations over hopping and tumbling windows, custom Python functions to process data, and exactly-once semantics.

Dependable at scale

Quix is scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant. It’s optimized to process high-volume, high-velocity data with consistently low latencies.

How do Quix and Upstash Kafka work together?

Upstash Kafka acts as the streaming transport component. It has the following responsibilities:

  • Collects data from source systems (via Kafka Connect source connectors)
  • Acts as a streaming data source for Quix, the stream processing component
  • Consumes the output data from Quix post-processing and forwards it to downstream systems (through Kafka Connect sink connectors) so it can be stored and operationalized 

Quix is the Python stream processor that complements your Upstash Kafka cluster:

  • Ingests data from Upstash Kafka topics and transforms it in real time
  • Publishes the transformed data back to Upstash Kafka topics
  • Uses data from Upstash Kafka topics to power real-time capabilities

Together, Upstash Kafka and Quix offer a complete, end-to-end solution that’s ideal for handling data streams and extracting actionable insights from real-time data in a cost-effective way.

For details on how to integrate Upstash Kafka with Quix, follow this short guide

Once you’ve configured the integration, you can implement your stream processing pipeline. 

You develop the stream processing logic using Quix Streams, an open-source technology that combines an Apache Kafka client with a Python stream processing library. Quix Streams offers the following key capabilities:

To learn more about Quix Streams and how to use its features, see the Quix Streams tutorials.

What are the benefits of using Quix alongside Upstash Kafka?

Hassle-free Python development experience

Most Python stream processing solutions (such as PyFlink and PySpark) are wrappers around Java-based server-side engines. This complicates things if you’re a Python developer: there’s a steep learning curve, you need to manage Java dependencies and a complex distributed infrastructure, development is slow, and debugging is complex. 

Meanwhile, Quix is a stream processor specifically designed to offer a simplified experience to Python developers. It has the following advantages compared to PyFlink and PySpark:

  • Coding and debugging using pure Python
  • Intuitive Streaming DataFrame API with a modern Python syntax and a gentle learning curve (especially if you’re familiar with pandas)
  • A straightforward way to integrate all your favorite Python libraries into your workflow (scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc)
  • No server-side engine to deal with


Flexible, comprehensive toolkit

Upstash Kafka simplifies Kafka cluster management with a serverless setup, an intuitive UI, a  CLI tool, and pre-built projects you can use as a starting point for development. 

Similarly, Quix offers everything you need to easily and conveniently build, deploy, and manage Kafka-based Python stream processing applications:

  • CI/CD support. Integrations with any Git provider (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps) for seamless CI/CD processes.
  • Environment control. Multiple projects and environments (linked to Git) for streamlined environment management.
  • Team collaboration. Multi-user collaboration at project and environment levels through organization and permission management.
  • Infrastructure management. Infrastructure as code (IaC) using Quix YAML (similar to Helm charts) with automated synchronization.
  • Observability and monitoring. Real-time logs, metrics, data explorers, and waveform and table views.
  • Security. Securely manage secrets and sensitive information.
  • Dev tools. Online code editor, Python code templates, and pre-built connectors for various data sources and sinks (e.g., MQTT, InfluxDB, Redis).
  • Pipeline management. Functionality to scale resources, adjust replicas, and manage CPU and memory for your real-time data pipelines.
  • Rapid prototyping. An in-built Quix-hosted Apache Kafka broker for testing and fast prototyping.
  • Local development. CLI tool to create, debug, and run your pipeline locally, and then easily deploy it to the cloud.


Reduced complexity and predictable costs

Upstash Kafka and Quix both follow the serverless model, which brings several advantages:

  • You don’t need to worry about configuring and managing infrastructure
  • Predictable, granular, usage-based billing
  • Significantly reduced DevOps, financial, and operational burden
  • You are free to focus entirely on innovating, building, and releasing new features, products, and capabilities that rely on streaming data


Scalability and reliability

Upstash Kafka is a low-latency solution that’s suitable for use cases with bursting traffic and consistent high-capacity loads.  

Built by Formula 1 engineers and used in production by Formula 1 teams, Quix is a dependable solution that’s optimized to handle high-volume, high-velocity data:

  • Highly scalable, leveraging Kafka and Kubernetes under the hood to provide data partitioning, consumer groups, and state management
  • Reliable data delivery and failure recovery through exactly-once processing, data and service replication, changelogs, and checkpointing
  • Highly available — Quix Cloud guarantees 99.99% uptime
  • Able to process billions of messages per day, with consistently low latencies (in the double-digit millisecond range)
  • By pairing Upstash Kafka and Quix, you have a stable, future-proof solution that can reliably process and stream data at scale.


What kind of use cases can I enable with Upstash Kafka and Quix?

By leveraging Upstash Kafka as your streaming data platform and Quix as your Python stream processing engine, you can deliver serverless architectures and build serverless apps, real-time data pipelines, streaming applications, and machine learning capabilities.

Here are but a few examples of real-time use cases you can enable by pairing Upstash Kafka and Quix:

  • Fraud detection
  • Sentiment & clickstream analysis
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Motor racing analysis
  • Live dashboards
  • Real-time content recommendations