Quix Streams is an open source library for processing data in Kafka using pure Python. It’s designed to give you the power of a distributed system in a lightweight library by combining the low-level scalability and resiliency features of Kafka with an easy to use Python interface.
Install Quix Streams
python3 -m pip install quixstreams
Connect to Kafka and process streaming data with DataFrames
from quixstreams import Application
import uuid
# Connect to the public Quix hosted broker to consume data
app = Application(
broker_address="publickafka.quix.io:9092", # Kafka broker address
consumer_group=str(uuid.uuid4()), # Kafka consumer group
auto_offset_reset='latest', # Read topic from the end
producer_extra_config={'enable.idempotence': False}
input_topic = app.topic("demo-onboarding-prod-chat", value_deserializer='json')
sdf = app.dataframe(input_topic)
sdf["tokens_count"] = sdf["message"].apply(lambda message: len(message.split(" ")))
sdf = sdf[["role", "tokens_count"]]
sdf = sdf.update(lambda row: print(row))
Build and test streaming pipelines locally with Quix CLI

Quix CLI is a free terminal tool that enables you to create, debug, and run data pipelines on your local machine. Start building with Quix Streams, Docker and Git on your preferred IDE.
Build your pipeline