
Keep pace with all your customers, all the time

The drive to digital has radically transformed the world of banking, financial services and insurance. Live data improves fraud detection and enables new and more personalized financial products.

Person using finance app on his mobile.

What can you build with Quix?

Detect fraud

The explosion of digital devices, apps and experiences opens your business to millions of vulnerabilities. It’s more than any human can handle, which is why leading banks use ML with live data to block crime in real time. By processing data at the moment it is created, and automating responses to block or flag suspicious activity, you deliver stronger security.

Validate transactions

Quix helps banks and financial institutions accelerate customer requests for payments, loans, and anything that queries existing data. This directly affects revenue — customers left waiting for loan approval are 80% more likely to seek other lenders. Now you can pre-approve transactions in moments with ML and automation.

Customer 360

In massive financial institutions, individual products are virtually invisible to other business lines. Data streams deliver the power of context, wrapping this data into a single event stream: your Customer 360. By understanding the customer’s lifecycle, you’re better equipped to offer more relevant products with a greater lifetime value.


Usage-based pricing is a breakthrough for insurance and finance, enabling users to manage costs while the provider maximizes price. Stream processing makes this pricing model possible. Calculate usage by the mile for an insurance premium, or by the hour for an equipment loan. Consumption pricing lets you bring new financial products to market.


The transition from brick-and-mortar branches to all-digital experiences leaves a gap — the human connection. Personalization through ML and live data enables banks to identify unexpressed needs and act immediately. Glean insights from digital assets like your mobile banking app to serve tailored products to the customer at the right time.

Person using finance app on his mobile.

Changing the finance industry

Quix was founded by Formula 1 McLaren engineers who used the power of stream processing live data to make mission-critical decisions. Whether in an F1 race or at a point-of-sale counter, a decision needs to be instant — and accurate.

Quix works with some of the world’s foremost brands in banking, financial services and insurance to bring the power of stream processing to solve the unique challenges in BFSI.

Ready to learn more? Chat with a friendly expert about what your institution can do with Quix.

Featured image for the "How to fix common issues when using Spark Structured Streaming with PySpark and Kafka" article published on the Quix blog

How to fix common issues when using Spark Structured Streaming with PySpark and Kafka

A look at five common issues you might face when working with Structured Streaming, PySpark, and Kafka, along with practical steps to help you overcome them.
Featured image for the "How to fix common issues when using Spark Structured Streaming with PySpark and Kafka" article published on the Quix blog
Words by
Steve Rosam
Featured image for the "Quix Streams, a reliable Faust alternative for Python stream processing " article published on the Quix blog

Quix Streams—a reliable Faust alternative for Python stream processing

A detailed comparison between Faust and Quix Streams covering criteria like performance, coding experience, features, integrations, and product maturity.
Featured image for the "Quix Streams, a reliable Faust alternative for Python stream processing " article published on the Quix blog
Words by
Steve Rosam
Pipeline diagram for data enrichment pipeline

How to enrich a stream of data in real time with Quix and Redis

Learn how to enrich real-time sensor data streams by looking up device coordinates in Redis and appending them to the data stream using Quix.
Pipeline diagram for data enrichment pipeline
Words by
Steve Rosam

Why the data pipeline is changing everything

Find out why analysts and market-watchers agree that traditional data processing must be replaced by stream processing. It’s happening now as innovators embrace new opportunities for greater personalization, automation and revenue.
Fill out the form to receive the white paper to your inbox.

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