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2. Event Detection


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In this part of the tutorial you build the event detection service. This service runs an ML model to detect if a vehicle has been involved in an accident.

For the purposes of this tutorial, the ML model you use was trained to detect the difference between a phone shaking and it being used normally.

Using an ML model is not the only way to create the event detection - you could detect a change in the speed or use the speed and another parameter to determine if an event has occurred.

The starter template

Follow these steps to create the event detection service:

  1. Navigate to Code Samples and search for Starter transformation.

  2. Ensure you have located the Python starter transformation and click Preview code.

  3. Click Edit code.

  4. Change the name to Crash event detection.

  5. Enter phone-data into the input field.

  6. Enter phone-out into the output field.

  7. Click Save as Application.

You now have the basic template for the service saved to your environment.

Test the template

At this stage you should test the code to make sure it passes some basic functional tests:

  1. Ensure that the data source you deployed earlier is running.

  2. Click the Run button in the top right of your browser.

  3. Explore the Console and Messages tabs and verify that there is data arriving into the phone-data topic.

  4. Stop the code from running once you are finished investigating the tabs.

Next you add code to detect the crash events, making use of some code snippets and Python libraries.

Modify requirements.txt

You need to modify the requirements.txt file in order to make sure required packages are installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the requirements.txt file and add the following lines to ensure all the packages are installed:

  2. Save the requirements.txt file.

Modify dockerfile

The standard dockerfile can't be used in this case. You need one that includes libgomp1.

  1. Now update the dockerfile in the build folder to make sure libgomp1 is included.

    Under the line with COPY --from=git /project ., add the following:

    RUN apt-get install libgomp1

    This will install libgomp1 which a requirement of XGBoost.

    The completed dockerfile should look like this
    FROM quixpythonbaseimage
    ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
    ENV SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY --from=git /project .
    RUN apt-get -y install libgomp1 ca-certificates
    RUN find | grep requirements.txt | xargs -I '{}' python3 -m pip install -i http://pip-cache.pip-cache.svc.cluster.local/simple --trusted-host pip-cache.pip-cache.svc.cluster.local -r '{}' --extra-index-url --extra-index-url
    ENTRYPOINT python3
  2. Save dockerfile.


  1. Open and add these lines to the existing imports.

    import pickle
    from urllib import request
  2. After the import statements, add the following lines:

    # download the model with urllib
    f = request.urlopen("")
    with open("XGB_model.pkl", "wb") as model_file:
    # load it with pickle
    loaded_model = pickle.load(open("XGB_model.pkl", 'rb'))

    This code downloads the .pkl file (the pretrained model) from the Quix storage account and load the model into memory.

  3. Modify the on_dataframe_received_handler function as follows:

    def on_dataframe_received_handler(stream_consumer: qx.StreamConsumer, df: pd.DataFrame):
        # Transform data frame here in this method. You can filter data or add new features.
        # Pass modified data frame to output stream using stream producer.
        # Set the output stream id to the same as the input stream or change it,
        # if you grouped or merged data with different key.
        stream_producer = topic_producer.get_or_create_stream(stream_id = stream_consumer.stream_id)
        if "gForceX" in df:
            df["gForceTotal"] = df["gForceX"].abs() +  df["gForceY"].abs() + df["gForceZ"].abs()
            df["shaking"] = loaded_model.predict(df[["gForceZ", "gForceY", "gForceX", "gForceTotal"]])
            if df["shaking"].max() == 1: 
                print("Crash detected.")
      [0]["timestamp"]) \
                    .add_value("crash", "Crash detected.") \

    This code opens the publish stream, and then checks that the required data is in the DataFrame. It then uses the ML model with the g-force data to determine if shaking has occurred.

    If shaking is detected, an event is generated and published to the publisher topic.

  4. Save

The completed should look like this
import quixstreams as qx
import os
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from urllib import request

# download the model with urllib
f = request.urlopen("")
with open("XGB_model.pkl", "wb") as model_file:

# load it with pickle
loaded_model = pickle.load(open("XGB_model.pkl", 'rb'))

client = qx.QuixStreamingClient()

topic_consumer = client.get_topic_consumer(os.environ["input"], consumer_group = "empty-transformation")
topic_producer = client.get_topic_producer(os.environ["output"])

def on_dataframe_received_handler(stream_consumer: qx.StreamConsumer, df: pd.DataFrame):

    # Transform data frame here in this method. You can filter data or add new features.
    # Pass modified data frame to output stream using stream producer.
    # Set the output stream id to the same as the input stream or change it,
    # if you grouped or merged data with different key.
    stream_producer = topic_producer.get_or_create_stream(stream_id = stream_consumer.stream_id)

    if "gForceX" in df:
        df["gForceTotal"] = df["gForceX"].abs() +  df["gForceY"].abs() + df["gForceZ"].abs()
        df["shaking"] = loaded_model.predict(df[["gForceZ", "gForceY", "gForceX", "gForceTotal"]])

        if df["shaking"].max() == 1: 
            print("Crash detected.")

  [0]["timestamp"]) \
                .add_value("crash", "Crash detected.") \

# Handle event data from samples that emit event data
def on_event_data_received_handler(stream_consumer: qx.StreamConsumer, data: qx.EventData):
    # handle your event data here

def on_stream_received_handler(stream_consumer: qx.StreamConsumer):
    # subscribe to new DataFrames being received
    # if you aren't familiar with DataFrames there are other callbacks available = on_event_data_received_handler # register the event data callback
    stream_consumer.timeseries.on_dataframe_received = on_dataframe_received_handler

# subscribe to new streams being received
topic_consumer.on_stream_received = on_stream_received_handler

print("Listening to streams. Press CTRL-C to exit.")

# Handle termination signals and provide a graceful exit

Test again

You can once again run the code in the development environment to test the functionality:

  1. Ensure that the data source you deployed earlier is running.

  2. Click Run in the top right of the browser to run the event detection code.

  3. If you chose to stream live data then gently shake your phone.

  4. If you chose to use CSV data, wait for a crash event to be streamed from the data set, or stop and start the service in another browser tab.

  5. Observe the Console tab. You should see a message saying "Crash detected".

  6. On the Messages tab select output : phone-out from the first dropdown.

  7. Gently shake your phone, or wait for another crash event from the CSV data, and observe that crash events are streamed to the output topic. You can click these rows to investigate the event data, for example:

        "Timestamp": 1674137774598972000,
        "Tags": {},
        "Id": "crash",
        "Value": "Crash detected."
  8. Stop the code.


The crash detection service is working as expected and can now be deployed

Deploy crash detection

Now that you have verified the service is working you can go ahead and deploy the service:

  1. Tag the code by clicking the add tag icon at the top of the code panel.

  2. Enter a tag such as crash-v1.

  3. Now click the Deploy button near the top right of the code panel.

  4. From the Version tag dropdown, select the tag you created.

  5. Click Deploy.


You now have a data source and the crash detection service running in your environment.

Next you’ll deploy a real-time UI to visualize the route being taken, the location of any crash events and also to see some of the sensor data.

Deploy the UI for this tutorial by following step 3